You’re receiving this email because you have signed up to be contacted whenever there are new releases of firmware for your Performance Monitor (PM). We have recently released the following updates:
Firmware RangeCurrent VersionRowErg 0–50. Version 33 150–199 Version 172 200–249 Version 211 250–299 Version 254
SkiErg 700–750 Version 733 850–899 Version 872 900–949 Version 911 950–999 Version 954
BikeErg 300–349 Version 330 350–399 Version 363 400–449 Version 404
Click on the links to see the full release notes for each version. If you're not sure which version of firmware you have, see the top of the PM5 Firmware Timeline section of our website. Note: The Utility will automatically update your monitor with the correct version. These updates include:
To update the firmware in your Performance Monitor, you need a computer, the free Concept2 Utility software and either a USB flash drive or USB cable. As ever, we strongly encourage you to update to the latest firmware if possible. For more information on how to update your monitor, please see the PM5 Firmware page.