Web update - 14/09/2021

Big update on the new look of the site plus loading speed improvements

Adrian Cassidy avatar
Written by Adrian Cassidy
Updated over a week ago

New look to the Website

- Use new color scheme and new styles across app

- Responsive design improved

- More intuitive navigation of Club Admin functions.

- Training distribution widget - change way of data storing so going away and returning to the page won't reset data anymore

- Create session - show number of selected athletes in each group for S&C session

- Club members - added bulk action functionality

- Weekly calendar widget - added tooltip with explanation for each session background color

- Profile settings - preferred paddling boat type - info text moved into tooltip icon

- Speed up Session pages rendering (especially navigation)

Bug fixes:

- Fixed Indoor rowing report to show 0 as percentage change

- Calendar:

-fixed issue when switching from month view to week/day to show current week/day (not middle date of month)

-fixed issue when list view date range after leaving a page

- Session results:

- remove users who have imported files but have no time in zone from HR bar graph and HR table

- fixed issue when No zone time has negative value

- segments graph tooltip changed to shared (now showing all athletes at once)

- read max/ave pace from file when ave/max speed is missing

- Session results live - show 0 values on graphs

- Bike comparison report - remove points from Google map which don't have both longitude and latitude

- Profile - Prevent users to see other's profile notes using athletes dropdown

- Morning monitoring tables - remove status Healthy if user didn't entered morning monitoring data for that day

- Create session - removed dubled loading icon after changing repeated session structure

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